
Tips to Welcome New Tenants

By Alexander Hassoulas | Mar 28, 2024 | Comments Off on Tips to Welcome New Tenants
Tips to Welcome New Tenants

  Moving homes can often feel like a roller coaster ride – thrilling but oh-so stressful. And if you’re a landlord or property manager, you hold the power to make that ride much smoother for your new tenants.  After all, finding them is just the start. The real magic lies in making them feel at…

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Should I Buy a House While in The Military?

By Alexander Hassoulas | Mar 4, 2024 | Comments Off on Should I Buy a House While in The Military?
Should I Buy a House While in The Military

Deciding whether to buy a house while serving in the military is a significant choice that requires careful thought and consideration. Military life comes with unique challenges and opportunities, which can impact the decision-making process regarding homeownership.  In this guide, we’ll explore various factors to consider when contemplating whether buying a house is the right…

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Why Pet Screening Is Always a Good Idea?

By Alexander Hassoulas | Feb 7, 2024 | Comments Off on Why Pet Screening Is Always a Good Idea?

Are you a landlord looking to safeguard your property while accommodating pet-loving tenants? Pet screening is an essential step in achieving that balance.  This process not only protects your investment but also ensures a harmonious living environment for all residents. By implementing pet screening, you can identify responsible pet owners and set clear expectations from…

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Best Ways to Communicate With Tenants: Email, Text, or Call

By Alexander Hassoulas | Dec 29, 2023 | Comments Off on Best Ways to Communicate With Tenants: Email, Text, or Call
Best Ways to Communicate With Tenants Email, Text, or Call

With the convenience technology provides, landlords can reach out to their tenants anytime. The options for communication also lead to plenty of confusion over which tool to use for the best communication.  Should you email, text, or call your tenants? When is the best time to use each communication method? If you have ever debated…

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Important Factors for Real Estate Investing

By Alexander Hassoulas | Dec 29, 2023 | Comments Off on Important Factors for Real Estate Investing
Important Factors for Real Estate Investing

Investing in real estate is a great way to increase your earnings and attain financial security. Making wise judgments that result in favorable outcomes, however, involves a substantial amount of study, analysis, and planning. This article will look at some of the most crucial elements of real estate investing, such as valuation, investment purpose, and…

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How to Recognize and Avoid Rental Scams

By Alexander Hassoulas | Nov 30, 2023 | Comments Off on How to Recognize and Avoid Rental Scams
Title "How to Recognize and Avoid Rental Scams" in lime green letters over a pastel green background, an assortment of green cartoon houses below it

Renting out a property can be a profitable endeavor, but it is not without its challenges. As a landlord, you may spend a significant amount of time and money promoting your property, only to discover that scammers are taking advantage of your efforts to target unsuspecting tenants.  In this blog post, we’ll look at how…

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Financing a Rental Property vs Buying It in Cash

By Alexander Hassoulas | Nov 30, 2023 | Comments Off on Financing a Rental Property vs Buying It in Cash
Title "Financing a Rental Property vs Buying It in Cash" in lime green letters over a pastel green background, an assortment of green cartoon houses below it

Are you planning to invest in Virginia real estate and debating whether to finance the rental property or make an all-cash purchase? The dilemma is real, and each option has its benefits and drawbacks.  In this blog post, we will walk you through the details of financing and cash buying, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks…

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What Landlords Should Know About Move Out Letters

By Alexander Hassoulas | Nov 2, 2023 | Comments Off on What Landlords Should Know About Move Out Letters
Title "What Landlords Should Know About Move Out Letters" in lime green letters over a pastel green background, an assortment of green cartoon houses below it

Have you ever felt uncertain about the transition process when a tenant moves out? Navigating the complexities of property management is no small feat, especially during the move out phase.  As a landlord, ensuring a smooth and transparent process is essential not only for your peace of mind but also for maintaining a good relationship…

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Holdover Tenant

By Alexander Hassoulas | Nov 2, 2023 | Comments Off on Holdover Tenant
Title "Holdover Tenant" in lime green letters over a pastel green background, an assortment of green cartoon houses below it

Have you ever found yourself scratching your head when a tenant doesn’t vacate after their lease ends? If so, you’ve probably encountered what’s known as a holdover tenant.  For landlords, navigating the complexities of holdover tenancy can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve put together this article with you in mind; it offers a…

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How to Write a Good Property Listing?

By Alexander Hassoulas | Oct 4, 2023 | Comments Off on How to Write a Good Property Listing?

Creating a good property listing involves careful time and consideration. It’s about more than just showcasing the basic details of your property, rather it’s about telling a captivating story that resonates with potential renters. It’s also about creating a depiction of the potential lifestyle in that area. In this guide, we will take you through…

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