How to Know if Your Rental Meets Safety Standards

Title "How to Know if Your Rental Meets Safety Standards" in lime green letters over a pastel green background, an assortment of green cartoon houses below it

As a landlord, you should always strive to provide a safe and secure environment for your tenants. Ensuring that your rental property meets the state and city’s safety standards protects your tenants, helps your rental business maintain a positive reputation, and minimizes your liability.  By taking the time to assess various aspects of your rental…

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Costs That Landlords Don’t Notice They’re Accruing

Title "Costs That Landlords Don't Notice They're Accruing" in lime green letters over a pastel green background, an assortment of green cartoon houses below it

Being a landlord comes with its fair share of responsibilities and expenses. While some costs may be obvious and easy to track, there are certain expenses that landlords often overlook or underestimate.  These hidden costs can easily add up and eat into profits when left unattended—which can have an adverse impact on the overall financial…

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